


Ever since you were very young,
you have been told that to love Christ
is a beautiful, necessary thing;
a shimmering ideal to have in life.
But how can you know
if you love Christ and
how can you know
how much you love him?
By the excitement you feel when His name is mentioned?
By you willingness to endure martyrdom for Him?

Probably not.
There is a truer, if harsher measuring rod of your affection:
the measure of you love for Christ
is the love that you have for the person you love the least.
Unhappily, this seems to be the insinuation
of Christ's own words:
"Love you enemies
and pray for those who persecute you."
(Matthew 5:44)
And these words must be read against the background of
of something else Christ said:
"You are my friends if you do what I command you."
(John 15:14)
Your readiness to obey Christs
commands declares your love for Him-
and Christ has
commanded that you love your enemies

Do you love Christ madly enough to do just this?
The measure of your love for Christ
is the love that you have for the person you love the least.
I have given you an example so that you may copy what I have done.

(John 13:15