Index of Reflections by first line  

1- So often the people called by God have had to leave home...
2 -
The very hairs on your head have all been counted...
3 -
There is a vehement passion in man that propels him unremittingly toward God...
4 -
In the matter of God's goodness we have got to be irrational...
5 -
God's love stays constant through the thick and thin contingencies ..
6 -
A man sits in an airline terminal for hours feasting his eyes on those...
7 -
It seems only fair that we who known some joy and peace...
8 -
Christ has been defined as GOD'S AMEN...
9 -
God has given us a memory that we might have roses in December...
10 -
A bridge collapsed and some eighty people...
11 -
If, as it seems, a person is defined by his relationships...
12 -
Faith is saying "Yes"....
13 -
Most men have a secret desire to make others happy...
14 -
And they left the presence of the council rejoicing...
15 -
The daily papers and newscasts make us painfully aware...
16 -
How strange that Christ should declare fortunate...
17 -
I am with you... and my spirit remains among you...
18 -
Evil is never done so thoroughly as when ...
19 -
Ever since you were very young you were told ...
20 -
Joan Marie has gone to God and left a beautiful memory...
21 -
Do something beautiful for God:

22 - Let us begin with a crashing understatement:

23 - I have this complaint to make; you have less love now than you used to...

24 - More often than not conscience is what the observer invokes...

25 - For his kindness is everlasting...

26 - It was an agonizing moment...

27 - Bel crouches, Nebo cowers...

28 - A forgotten truth: Mary is an opportunity for encountering Christ...

29 - One of the most dangerous pretexts that man can use of is...

30 - "Is that all there is; is that all there is?"....

31 - Good Friday - Holy Saturday....

32 - "The joy of the Lord is your refuge"....

33 - There are three kinds of persons who come and volunteer to Christ...

34 - The Gospel of Matthew begins with a listing of of some of Christ's...

35 - Once, when the Israelites tired of the blazing spirituality of God...

36 - There is a certain attractiveness to the mystery of God.

37 - When Christ comes to the disciples walking on the water..

38 - One of the carefully nurtured hopes of the Christian apostolate,,,

39 - There is a power in smallness,,,

40 - "I feel sorry for all these people...

41 - How many are the ways that you can enrich another man's existence...

42 - We live too comfortable with the naive notion that we come to God...

43 - In the 6th Century A.D. an Egyptian cartographer...

44 - To work for fulfillment in religious life is much like...

45 - The objectives of religious life can be framed in the simplest terms...

46 - How very rich with meanings is the phenomenon of Christ...

47 - Devotion to the Saints is a fading value among us...

48 - To be great is to be misunderstood...

49 - The easy circumstances of life riches fame abundance....

50 - Mighty Jerusalem missed the opportunity of its life....

51 - For years on end Jesus lived in Nazareth in obscurity....

52 - On one occasion Jesus censured his contemporaries in these terms...

53 - "Let not thy learning exceed thy deeds...

54 - Do people still complain of not being made to hear God's truth?...

55 - He is never far from any of us...

56 - Every man ought to be thought of as a new experiment in God's laboratory...

57 - This seems to be the law of Christ's coming - it follows upon suffering...

58 - It was only after Christ's suffering and death, after the Apostles'...

59 - There is a story in the Southwest of a series of Franciscan friars...

60 - There once lived a young man of brilliant mind and noble spirit...

61 - One of the touching legends that sprang up around...St.Francis...

62 - "Ephphatha - be thou opened."...

63 - Once... a man had a curious dream...

64 - "Let the wasteland rejoice and bloom...

65 - To meet God, Jacob stood alone...

66 - Would it be shocking to say that Christ's birth must be our death?..

67 - A man fears death because he fears the unknown..

68 - Christ seems always to have attracted people with a reckless streak..

69 - Suppose for the moment that a close friend and colleague of yours..

70 - Our trials can be made into our greatest assets..

70 - "True instruction was in his mouth..

71 - "But my life does not matter, if I can only finish my race..

71 - Doing the work of God among men is sometimes like skywriting...

72 - Dial-a-Prayer it appears is the most popular...

73 - When a man decides to work with the blind...

74 - Man is God's most precious thought...

75 - The Gospel presents us with a spate of persons who longed for Christ...

76 - Among the ruins of Pompei there are markings on the wall...

77 - Today is a day of brilliant sunshine...