





Night is coming, when no one can do any work.

(John 9:4)

One of the most dangerous pretexts

that man can make use of

is the word tomorrow.

Tomorrow bespeaks postponement.

Christ warns against the mistake of

putting off till tomorrow

what must be done today;

especially in the matter of salvation

and the life of the spirit.


These are urgencies of the present,

not the task of the future.

This is Christ means when he says:

"Let your loins be girded

and your lamps burning.

Be like men who are waiting

for the Master to come home." (Luke 12:35)

There is a ferocious emphasis

on the now in these words.


Bear in mind that

"Yesterday is but a dream

and tomorrow is only a vision,

but today well-lived

makes every tomorrow

a vision of hope!

Look well therefore to this day."

(Salutation of the Dawn)