











Your love, Yahweh, reaches to the heavens, your faihfulness to the clouds.


(Psalm 36:5)



"I feel sorry

for all these people:

they have been with me

for three days now

and have nothing to eat.

I do not want

to send them off hungry,

they might collapse on the way."

(Matthew 15:32)


These words

are charged with compassion

and graciousness.

And you must know

that the compassion of Christ

has not diminished

with the passage of time.

Christ is still concerned

to provide for his people's needs,

for your needs,

to give you some joy and comfort

as you pilgrimage through life.

That is why

He grants you

the Eucharist.


Each time the Eucharist

is made present,

it is with you in mind.

It is as if Christ

were saying once again,

"I do not want

to send them off hungry,

they might collapse

on the way."