





Even as the mountains encircle Jerusalem,

So the Lord encircles his people,

Henceforth and forever.


(Psalm 125:2)













"He is

never far

from any of us."

A reassuring truth

that takes

the edge of strangeness

off life.

No place is desolate

or remote;

for wherever it may lie,

it cannot close out

the presence of God.

"He is

never far

from any of us."


No situation

in life

can be really desperate

because no situation

can negate this fact:

"He is never far

from any

of us."

What is there then

that can blight

our Christian hope;

for apparently

there is no person.

place or thing

that can neutralize

the exhilarating truth

that God is

never far from

any of us.


  Acts 17:27