




See!  God's dwelling is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people and God himself will be with them,  and he will wipe avery tear from their eyes.  There will be no death any longer, nor any grief or crying or pain.

(Revelation 21:3-4)

Christ has been defined as
A curious phrase.
"Amen" means "yes".

To what
has God said "yes" in
sending us Christ?
"Yes" to our best hopes.
"Yes" to our struggle for peace.
"Yes" to our soaring desire
to grow.

How just it is
to say and sing
of Bethlehem
as we do each year at Christmas:
"the joys and fears
of all the years are
met in thee tonight."
For in Bethlehem
on the first Christmas,
God uttered a beautiful Word.
That Word was
his Son.
That Word was
"no" to our fears,
"yes" to our joys.