




...and Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed, and he will open the scroll and the seven seals of it.  Then I saw, standing between the throne...a Lamb that seemed to have been sacrificed...Then I saw the Lamb break one of the seven seals.


(Revelations 5:5-6:1)













How very rich

with meanings

is the phenomenon of Christ.

Perhaps the most basic is

Christ's indispensability.


is desperately needed

to give substance

to man's optimism.


Man's great hopes

for himself,

for the world,

his bright dreams,

would lift and dry up

like the morning dew

if Christ were not here

to give possibility to them.

Without Christ

there would be no chance at all

for penetrating

the ambiguities of life

and deciphering its meaning.

Without Christ

there is no meaning to life,

there is just a booming emptiness.