






For it is not as if we had a high priest who was incapable of feeing our weaknesses with us; but we have one who was tempted in every way that we are, though he is without sin.


(Hebrews 4:15)




When a man decides to
to work with the blind
he is taken aside
and is given a very curious directive.
He is told:
you must, yourself, become blind,
for at least a time.
With that he is sent off to the training center
where he assumes a blindfold
tightly fitted over his eyes.

For a week or so
he does not look upon the light of day.
He must grope his way around,
collecting bruises
from unsuspected pieces of furniture.
He must learn to depend on a cane
and on a sharpened sense
of smelling and hearing.
Only then may that man come forward
to serve the blind.
For he has lived in their world.
he has run their risks, felt their anxieties.
now knows what it is like to be blind.

Christ can quite correctly be defined
in just this fashion:
He is God who has come down
to live our life,
to see it from the inside.
And, when Christ ascended
to the father
He took with Him
a first-hand knowledge
of what it is like to live and suffer
as a human being on this earth.
Now he does not have to imagine
what it is like to live as you live,
He has only to remember.