




Who can separate us from Christ's love?
Can trouble or misfortune or persecution or hunger or destitution or danger or the sword?...
For I am convinced that neither death nor life nor angels nor their hierarchies nor the present nor the future nor any supernatural forces either of height or depth nor anything else in creation will be able to separate us from the love God has shown us in Christ Jesus our Lord!

(Romans 8:35-38)

In the matter of
God's goodness
we have got to be
This is the way it is
with love, for instance,
and with any other
deep down, visceral persuasion.
We go beyond reason,
we do not trust appearences.
All surface indications
to the contrary
we have got to believe that
God is good,
unfailingly good to us.
Even in the thick of troubles,
in moments of
dire tragedy,
God is being good.
This is illogical,
it is nonsense
but it is true.
His goodness is never
one whit diminished,
or blunted.